This picture represents a big change in my life. Last month, after 15 years together and 9 of them married, I left my husband and moved out of my house. This comes after years of struggle and a final realization that neither of us was happy anymore. We've done our best to minimize the effect on the kids, so I still pick them up everyday and take them back to the old house, but I live in a difference one. Eric takes them to school every morning. This way we both see them everyday.
So, my new house is an ultra modern concrete box in the neighborhood I always wanted to live in, Venice Ca, mere minutes from my work and the beach. I can bike there if I want. Or walk. I can also leave my craft supplies where ever I want to. And buy the furniture I've always coveted. Hence the book case-a vintage find on ebay and already loaded down with all my science fiction. You'll also notice my Doll doll and my Hop Skip Jump doll and my Simpli Jessi dolls. I guess I have a bit og a collection going. I don't feel quite at home here yet, and the old house is feeling more and more like it's not my house either, despite all the time I still spend there, so I am still very discombobulated. Add to that the emotional toll of a divorce, even a gentle version like we have going on, and it's been a hell of a year so far.
Anyway, not much crafting going on. I went to Artfest and joined a crochet swap, so I have pictures to share, soon. After gymnastics, and karate, and maybe after May Faire, because, surprise, surprise, life didn't stop for my divorce.